One of my favorite parts of Halloween is the fun games and treats….so what’s better than putting the two together. I grew up with the “You’ve been Boo’d” but I haven’t been boo’d the last few years, nor have I boo’d anyone. So I decided to change that this year. I will be starting this […]
Bathroom Reminder Signs
A bit ago, I had the fun opportunity to check out IKEA on their opening day of the new fall line! Seriously, there were amazing products and I could have spent many paychecks in the one visit….like seriously! But as always, I had to limit my spending, and just get a few things. But I […]
Mother’s Day Quote Printable
I can’t stop thinking about Mother’s Day lately. Do you ever think that Mom’s are just not appreciated enough? I really think that Mother’s day should be a quarterly thing. Why just once a year? I may start a petition! But I know at my house I will be putting up signs, reminders, and anything […]
(Download the 12×12 here) My friend posted this quote on Facebook the other day, and I had to make a printable of it!! It’s going up in my new craft space to remind me that I am intelligent…just a different form of it!!!