One of the best things we’ve made for my kids to play with this Summer is homemade slime. When we first made it, I thought it would be something fun to do for about an hour and then my kids would move on. Well, I was right and I was wrong.
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It was a lot of fun for an hour, and then every single day since! I’m not kidding when I say that Gracie has played with this stuff every day we have been home this Summer!
This slime recipe is so easy. It just uses 5 ingredients, but really you could make due with just 4 (no coloring!).
1 4oz bottle of school glue (or go ahead and order a whole gallon of it...your kids will use it all!)
3 tsp Water
Start by dumping the bottle of glue into a mixing bowl. Combine it throughly with the water using a mixing spoon. After it’s fully combined, add any color you may want. Remember that this will be played with, and the darker colors may come off onto your skin!
After the color is all mixed in, add the liquid starch, one tsp at a time, mixing completely in between adds.
Once it’s stiffened up, you can start to mix with your hands if needed. When the slime starts to come together, it’s time to add the slime ballz! These are super fun and give the slime texture.
(He put too many slime ballz in his bowl!!)
Once your kids are done playing with their slime, store it in an air tight container (ziplock bag ok) in the fridge. This will keep your slime good for a long time. We’ve had some of ours for over 2 months now and it still gets played with regularly!
What color would your kids pick of their slime?
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