Alphabet matching game – letter recognition

With both of my kids ebeinglittle, I really try to make learning and homework enjoyable and fun for both of them as well as myself. With the start of school, I’m really focusing on the basics, and letter recognition is a huge part of that. I have created some letter cards that you can use in many ways to help your littles keep up on their letters.

Letter recognition cards to help young kids. Free printable

I started by printing the pages available below; the letters come in a strip with 4 to a page. Once they were all printed I laminated the full page (to help it hold up against the hands of kids!) and from there cut each strip using a paper cutter. Once each of the strips were cut I used my scissors to separate the lower case from the upper case, using all different paths so they match up like a puzzle piece. Some are ziz-zag, some diagnol and some are just random shapes. This will aid your younger kids in matching them with one another. 

You can use these as flash cards. Use only uppercase or just lowercase to quiz your child on their letter recognition. Once they get good at it, mix the upper and lowercase letters together so they have 52 different cards to go thru.

 Letter recognition cards to help young kids. Free printable

Another great way to use them is to have your child place all of the letters, on the floor, in alphabetical order. Pick either upper case or lower case and let them lay them all out in the correct order.

 Letter recognition cards to help young kids. Free printable

As your child is learning which lowercase belongs with which uppercase, you can pick one or the other to lay out in order and then give your child the other to then place with it’s match. This is where the different cut paths come in handy because if they ever don’t know the correct letter, they can use the cut to help them match it up.

My son has so much fun matching them together, and having the different paths to help him make the connections is a huge helper. He can do it on his own without having to ask for reminders from me. It has helped him learn his lowercase letters a lot better because he’s much better at the uppercase.

Letter recognition cards to help young kids. Free printable

letter recognition flash cards

What did you do to help stimulate your child’s mind during the Summer months? What are you doing now to keep them excited about learning?

I would love to have you check out these other fun kids ideas that I’ve shared:

FREE Print & Cut #BackToSchool countdown chain. Let your kids get excited about BTS by putting together this chain leading up to the first day of school. Printable has each day up to 45 days til school, and even a few blank ones.

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Printable Screen Time chart for kids, plus a printable list of chores they can do to earn their screen time. This is perfect for regulating TV & computer time this Summer

blue line

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