Yarn Crazy Day!

It may have taken me FOREVER, but here are the new and improved yarn eggs!   But first of all, a moment of silence for my poor finger that WAS harmed in the making of this post….. Thanks! I’m normally so good with my glue gun. But today was just a struggle between us! My […]

White Chocolate Popcorn – Sweet treat for a night in

Tonight has been one of those nights….ya know where you think nothing is going right. We just got back from vacation, and everything seems to go wrong. The little man broke Sean’s Xbox Someone broke into our other house AGAIN today, and took even more stuff (2nd time in 2 weeks). At least this time […]

Easter Egg Printable to DIE for!

I came accross this guest post today and i HAD to share!! Over at Craftaholics Anonymous, you can find a guest post by Kyla who is the author of Funky PolkaDot Giraffe. She created this amazing Easter Egg printable. It looks like actual buttons in a frame. You can print it off with one of […]

I just got back from the store buying new fluffy yarn. Unfortunately I’m too tired too craft. Hopefully I’ll get myself some great Easter eggs tomorrow! ~Get your thrift on!
