UPDATE: I had a request for an address label sized print. So there’s now a download that will fit an Avery 6 to a sheet address label. See below!
You guys, I am kinda loving all of these fun printables this week. Mainly because we have been able to use all of the great gifts for ourselves as well, and have has some great water balloon fun. The best part is that they are only $1 to give, and the can seriously result in a huge fun party. Aft er I photographed all the gifts, a bunch of the neighborhood kids came over for a huge party. Guess that kinda means that the neighbor kids got their gifts a little early!
Today’s printable will go perfect with these bright colored water balloons from Dallar Tree.
subscribe to Our Thrifty Ideas and you will have access to all our downloads. Remember, all printables are for personal use only. If you’d like to purchase a commercial use license, contact me at vanessa {at} ourthriftyideas.com
Make sure to check out the rest of the Summer Break printables I’m sharing this week:
Have a Soaking fun Summer | Have a “COLOR”ful Summer |
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Such a cute idea!
These are adorable! I would love to use them to make end-of-the-year treats for my son’s 3rd grade class! Currently, the link says no file attached.
Oh my gosh, I don’t know how this wasn’t there! I have updated it and the file is now available to download. Thanks so much for the heads up!
Hi there! These are absolutely adorable! I am having the same problem that Shannon had, though, and the link says that there is no file attached yet? Thank you so much for your help and your incredible blog 🙂
Kristina, thanks so much for letting me know. I deleted and reinstalled it. I show it now working on my end. please let me know if it’s not working for you. Thanks again
Worked perfect!! Thank you 🙂
I would love to use these with my class, but it shows up as a 1/2 page sized label. Is there a way to make them smaller? I would love to use the shipping labels with 6 per page.
Thank you!
Jennifer, give me a few hours and I will get some made up for you!!! I’ll put the download on the site after kiddos go to bed tonight.
Jennifer, just for you there’s a new download!!!!! Go check it out.
Your are awesome! Thank you!!!