*This post and giveaway are sponsored by NIVEA.
Ok, maybe I’m getting a little personal with that title. But the last 24 hours have been so suprising to me. I started with a LONG day. We had so many appointments, errands, and responsibilities to get done, and before I knew it, dinner time had come and I was still wearing yesterday’s clothes and a messy pony from 2 days ago shower. Oh, did I mention I had a fun bloggers party that I was going to at 7…that was an hour away.
Yup, I was that Mom who threw together dinner (not just for us, but the neighbors too) jumped in the shower, and even ran around in a robe getting everything ready to go. I’m lucky I didn’t end up at the gas station with my birthday suit on instead of a cute outfit! But the point is, I got it done, to the party, and had a blast!!
Within 10 minutes of being at my party, however, I received a text picture from the hubby…Baby Girl Barker had thrown up everywhere, it was his first time having to clean it up, and he didn’t know if it was a one time thing or if she was sick. Well, it’s a good thing that I love and trust that man, because I just replied “I’m so sorry” and continued with my party, not returning home until 1 am.
Yes, that’s how a blogger party goes. Once it’s over, we find somewhere else to go. Because as it was my last big get together for the bloggers, before my big move, I wasn’t about to call it a night before being kicked out of multiple locations. Party – check. Chilis – 45 minutes after closing time – check!
Upon arriving home, I was not so gracefully welcomed by a crying child who wanted to be held (not the sick one). So for an hour and a half, I coaxed The Little Man back to sleep. “Welcome 2:30 am…I haven’t seen you in a while”. Now, BED TIME! Yup, I got 20 minutes of sleep before being startled awake by a blood curdling scream. I rushed to the kiddo’s room to find throw up, yet again, everywhere. So at 3 in the morning I bathed Baby Girl Barker, cleaned up a bedroom, and then had to coax her back to sleep…for the next 2 1/2 hours. Because then, I convinced the hubby that it was his turn to take over.
Goodnight All, it’s 5:45 and I’m hitting the hay – finally!
I got another 2ish hours of sleep before the day was ready to start. And it started off great! Everyone was happy, we had pink waffles for breakfast (we’re a color food family!) and then everyone headed off to the zoo for some family and friend time.
We have friends in town, so we thought it would be fun to spend the day together; the HOT day. After the zoo, we went to lunch at a local pizzeria. We were having a blast – until Baby Girl Barker dumped a whole cup of Dr Pepper in my lap. I was now officially having one of my worst days, and I was extremely sticky while away from home. I got to stay sticky, slightly damp and kinda smelly too, until putting the kids to bed. Yup, I finished out the day in the same clothes until it was officially “MOM TIME!”
A couple weeks ago I got the #NIVEAIndulgence challenge package and have LOVED everything it came with. The challenge was really to step out of the rush and stress of the typical everyday life and to focus on treat yourself by using the exfoliating wash, the amazing silky smooth body wash, and other fun items to set the proper mood during your pampering time.
Tonight I needed a LOOOONG pampering time. So I pulled my hair back, put on some sappy country music, lit a candle and climbed in the bathtub.
I used the NIVEA Touch of Renewal tonight. I scrubbed my legs with it, because lets be honest, they were covered in Dr Pepper all day! This stuff is amazing. It is a slight scrub while cleaning, and a perfect prep for when you are going to shave your legs. I then used the same body wash that I use daily, the NIVEA Touch of Cashmere, it pretty much explains itself. But it really is like washing your body with a silky smooth cream.
And when I got out of the bathtub the hubby had a fresh fountain Dr Pepper waiting for me! As I sit here writing this post, I just can’t help but think to myself, there’s just something about shaved legs that make a Mom happy! Because lets face it, it doesn’t happen all that often!
Wanna win the same #NIVEAIndulgence challenge package ($139 value) that I got? Enter below, and we’ll send one right to your house!
What’s in the package?
12 FL. OZ. bottle of NIVEA Touch of Renewal
16.9 FL. OZ. bottle of NIVEA Touch of Cashmere, Touch of Serenity, or Touch of Smoothness
$50.00 Bed, Bath & Beyond® Gift Card
a relaxing scented candle
and a cozy bathrobe
I love the look and theme of your website. I just started one of my own called FlatBrokeCoed, which is money/diy tips that are made accessible to college students. I’ve been looking around the internet, trying to find inspiration from successful bloggers and I’m happy I’ve stumbled upon your blog.
It really reflects your personality and lifestyle, which I can appreciate. I only just started, but maybe I can grow and have a strong blog like yours.
Anyhow, in reference to the Nivea prompt: I love using a scrub on my legs in the summer. It makes them look so much better when you shave them. I also love doing my nails. It’s a rare treat for me.
Thanks so much Courtney. I just switched over the design and look of my blog and I am loving it!
Sounds like you had a super busy past couple of days – it was so fun seeing you on Wednesday – Chili’s was a blast!! Thanks for the fabulous giveaway! My favorite way to pamper myself is with a nice relaxing bath while reading a really good book.
Summer, I’m so glad that you came to Chilis. It was SO MUCH FUN!
I love getting a massage!
Me too girl, Me too!
Honestly, I love the shower. I could stay in there all day.
Me too!! Baths get cold, showers dont!
My favorite way to pamper myself is a nice long nap. I usually don’t get much sleep during the week. So, sometimes, on the weekends, I like to make it as dark as possible in the bedroom, change into pj’s, turn the fan on, and snuggle under the blankets. Then I’ll sleep for one, two, maybe even three hours!! It feels so luxurious, and even a little naughty, because I know there are so many things I could be doing instead (laundry, cooking, etc). But in my experience, there isn’t a bad mood that isn’t at least mostly cured by a good, quality nap!!
Sounds divine!
I like getting a massage.
My favorite way to pamper myself is to take a long hot bubble bath! There is nothing like it in the world . 🙂
With 3 small kids anytime I get to myself is great. A long shower and a nap is a dream come true
Or even a visit to the potty without them?!
A Trip To The Spa Is My Favorite Way To Be Pampered!
I am very blessed to have a husband who likes to pamper me, he gives me massages and lets me wake up late during the weekends plus he takes care of kids so I can have a moment to relax
What an amazing hubby!!! Props to him
I love a good cup of coffee, a nice candle, a pastry, and a good book to pamper myself.
I love to pamper myself with a bubble bath and a manicure!
long hot bubble bath and hot coco and good book
My favorite way to pamper myself is a nice long and hot shower with the works! Only happens when hubby is home… otherwise it’s in and out before baby screams bloody murder.
I love to get my nails done or get my hair colored!
get a full spa pedicure