Living In The Moment

Living In The Moment


Sometimes a Mom can get lost in the “need to’s” and “have to’s”. There’s so many times that I will be at my computer and tell the kids “hold on, I need to get this done first”.

Living In the Moment

Tonight while doing dishes The Little Man was sitting in the living room and yelled in “Mom, is it snuggle time yet, PLEASE?”. To which I replied, “Not yet, I have to do the dishes”. The truth is, I don’t HAVE TO do the dishes. Is it really important to get it done right then instead of spending time snuggling with my kids? I am already lucky enough to have a 3 1/2 year old who still wants to be snuggling with me daily, and although I want it to, I’m sure it’s not going to last forever. So why not enjoy it now?

Yesterday was One Of Those Days. I could have locked the kids in one room, and me in another and called it a night (at 10:00 am). I really actually did lock myself in the bathroom for a minute and let out a good cry.

  • An I have gotten no sleep this week cry
  • An I miss my hubby cry
  • A cry of self destruct
  • A cry for peace
  • and a cry of desperation

After getting out the great cry, I decided that I was going to listen to my kids. When they said they wanted me to chase them, i was going to do it. When they wanted to snuggle of course I was going to. And when they begged for 5 more minutes of reading a book before bed, I would give in. Because they are only little once, they are my amazing kids, and I have made the decision to be home with them 24/7.

Living In The Moment

So yesterday I let the kids doggy pile on top of me. I let them yell, jump and play to their hearts content, and when they were all done, I chased them until they fell and laughed while I tickled them. It was one of those moments that I don’t think I’ll ever forget. One of those moments that changed both my attitude about life as well as my outlook on being a Mom. 

Living In The Moment

It may have taken me 3 1/2 years, and 2 kids to really realize what the meaning of “Mom” is, but it couldn’t have come at a better time than just before Mother’s Day. Seriously, I will look at my kids differently each day, and hug them with a pure love and understanding of their needs and wants.

Living In The Moment


I hope that everyone has a Happy Mother’s Day this weekend and gets to snuggle both their Mom and their kiddos tight this weekend. I know I will be!


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  1. I’m sorry yesterday was so rough! But I’m glad you got to have so much fun with your cute kiddos. I know being a stay at home mom can be really frustrating and difficult at times, but your great at what you do and those kids love that you get to be there for them.

    • Thanks so much for the kind words Kari. Hate to say it (cause you hear it often) but you’re such an inspiration to look on the bright side. Even though I have a hard day, there’s always some positive to focus on.

  2. Great post! Such a good reminder of the things we need to remember most and make our priorities. It’s easy to say just a minute when you think that’s all it will take. I need to work on this one, a lot!

    • I can’t say how many times I’ve said just a minute to finish an email, and end up answering so many more and maybe even on facebook 30 minutes later forgetting my kids are waiting for a book. It’s hard to remember when there’s so much pulling you in other directions.

  3. What a great post!! I think as moms, we all need this reminder every once in a while! 🙂

  4. Happy Mother’s Day my friend! Your kiddos are adorable and this was a great post. Love ya!

  5. Vanessa! How dare you make me cry like a baby in the middle of the day ;). I have so been there, on both sides of the fence. Obviously we can’t give in and play all day every day, but those days that I do I know that we all fall in love with each other a little more and the joy we feel can sustain us for several more days. Here’s to making those days a very regular occurrence! Thanks for posting, I love you!

    • Aawe, can I just say that I am so glad we have become friends. comments like this just make my day!! And I love that we can have an instant love for one another after just a few days/hours of spending together.
      I’m also glad that I’m not the only one who feels this struggle in my life.

  6. Thanks for the lovely reminder. I struggle with this push-and-pull in the everyday craziness, too. Nice to hear it worded so beautifully.

    • Thank you Wendy. I’m glad it didn’t come across as “poor me” or “look at how amazing my outlook became”. I was really emotional for a few days and was scared this post would come across wrong.

  7. Aw Ness this made me cry. I love you girl! Thanks for being so honest and writing what I just needed to hear… It’s been a long week and hard! I thought I had it all together being home with 2 kids but dang, it is soo hard!!! I totally want to cry sometimes. And lately Logan has been pushing my buttons and I feel it’s because I’m not giving enough attention over the baby. Thanks for the wonderful reminder :)! I must make time for him and set my priorities straight! Xo

  8. What a beautiful post and a wonderful reminder!

  9. I struggle with this pretty much daily. Thank you for sharing. It helps to know I’m not alone. Lovely post!

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