V-day up a wreath

Our Thrifty Ideas: Dressing Up a Winter Wreath for Valentines Day

Last week I showed you my quick and easy $3 snowball wreath, and today I’m gonna show you how to dress it up for V-day. Once again, super simple, and quick. And you most likely have all the stuff for it.

Our Thrifty Ideas: Dressing Up a Winter Wreath for Valentines Day
I cut hears out of some textured red paper, and some white printer paper; different sizes and widths. Then I picked a non-pattern (I didn’t want it to be uniform) and ran them, one right after the other, thru my sewing machine with white thread. Making sure to leave a long string at the beginning, and a long one at the end to help pin or tie up where you’d like.

Then I wrapped it around the wreath, pinning both the top and bottom on the back of the wreath form.

Our Thrifty Ideas: Dressing Up a Winter Wreath for Valentines Day

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If you use one of my tutorials, I’d love to see. Send me a link or picture to Vanessa {at} OurThriftyIdeas.com

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  1. This is such a fun idea! I love all the things you are coming up with lately, keep them coming!

  2. Having an interchangeable front door wreath is handy! Bath & Body Works the other day had glitter spray on sale for $5 a can. Spray that sucker with some sparkle and VOILA, fancy!

  3. (P.S. Thanks for not making me prove I’m not a robot. I can’t ever decipher those squirrelly code pictures the first time, or more.)

  4. My daughter would love to make this!

  5. Awww! This is perfect for Valentines!

    <3 Christina @ I Gotta Create!
    Wildly Original link party is open.

  6. What a fantastic way to use cotton wool balls. Love!

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