Pregnancy Laws

(Yes, I am in my jammies in the middle of the day and purposely cut my face out of the picture!)
Being on my second pregnancy, there are some things that I think should become LAW for all pregnancies! I figured I would share!
  • Once you can no longer see your feet, all pedicures should be FREE (cause if you can’t see them, you can’t paint them!)
  • At the same time mentioned above, leg waxing should be FREE! (cause if you can’t see them, you can’t shave them!)
  • Every parking lot should have “expected mother” parking. Not because we are lazy, but to spare everyone from having to watch us waddle from the back of the lot as well as thru the store.
  • If you come to a pregnant person’s house and catch them in work-out clothes, don’t blame them….you are the one who came to their house.
  • Every pregnant woman should not be looked down upon for staying in her jammies all day.
  • Every pregnant woman should be rewarded and acknowledged when she gets a shower before everyone else is in bed!
  • If a pregnant woman does her hair any way other than air dry or a pony tail, a party should be thrown for her!
  • A 30 minute massage should be required everyday from the expecting father. All expanding, stretching, or weight baring areas get their own 30 minutes. And the “my hands are tired” excuse DOES NOT get you out of it. Because so are my feet, ankles, calves, hips, lower back, stomach, and neck.
  • Naps ARE a required daily occurrence. Don’t judge!
 Do you have any pregnancy things that need to become law?! Please comment and share, I would love to hear them!

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  1. You should also have a required nanny/maid that can get down and play with the kids on the ground, mop the floor, tie shoes, anything like that, because once down I’m not getting up. (when I was prego, I’m NOT)

  2. Anonymous says

    My pillows take priority over husband’s space in the bed.

  3. lol I love them all and agree 100% Even at 27 weeks they still apply!

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