DIY Crafts wish list!

Today William and I went on a play date over to our friend Jesseca’s house from Sweet Treats by Jesseca. And of course our conversations turned to all of the things that we have planned to make. I let her in on my dirty little secret, but she assured me that I am not the only one with it!
I have a whole favorites folder on my laptop with the title “Want to make”. I have at least 50 DIY projects bookmarked for my future reference!

Because Jesseca informed me that I am not the only one, I thought I would share some of the items I have on my list!

Recycled Scraps from mycakies

“Please Remove Your Shoes” sign from How Does She

Sweater Refashion from Tatertots and Jello

Deco Balls crafting with leftovers from the clever chic

American Flag Spindal Post from Under the Table and Dreaming

Hip Hop blocks from Punkin Seed Productions

Penne with Cream Sauce from Skip to my Lou

Well there you have it. Those are the items at the top of my DIY list. Do you have any you think I NEED to add?! Let me know
~Get your thrift on!
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  1. These are all great!

  2. Those are great! I dug out a few from my favorites that kind of tie into your garden theme:

    Garden Pot Pick-Me-Up
    Antique Spoon Plant Markers
    Tea Cup Bird Feeder
    Plant Shadow Box


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