I have been slowly trying to re-do our Master Bedroom. it is nothing more than a bed and two mis-matched dressers right now, but slowly I am getting new pieces to add into it. I want it to be a relaxing place, instead of the “only enter to change clothes and fall asleep” space that it is!
I know that one of the cheapest ways to re-do any part of a house is to do it yourself. So I have been looking online for inspiration. And tonight I found a wonderful one!
Over at Brassy Apples, I found this amazing chandelier made from hanging basket holders! You could find these earlier in the season at the dollar store, but they might be sold out by now. But I know that summer clearance is starting to pop up everywhere, so I’m sure we could find these cheap at Home Depot/Lowes/Etc.
Check out the DIY instructions here if you are interested! I am planning on doing mine all black to match my planned theme of black and white with turquoise accents!
~Get your thrift on!
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