Archives for July 2014

FREE kids crafts – DIY Kids necklace

I’m sure that everyone has had their “IT’S SUMMER” time and kids are finally starting to use the sshhh “bored” word. So so this is something that you can make using stuff around your house, and keep the kiddos entertained for a while without spending a dime! Today’s project is a DIY kids necklace Supplies: Old […]

Stock your birthday stash for under $1

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for Collective Bias and its advertiser. #ValueCards#CollectiveBias One of the hardest parts of being a parent is trying to keep up with all of the schedules. My kids aren’t even that old and […]

mini Cinnamon Roll Donuts

Mini donuts are the greatest thing ever. They are little so they don’t make you feel like you’re being a huge pig (even if you might eat 20 of them!) and they make breakfast so much fun. Oh, and did I mention it’s pretty much eating dessert for breakfast?! So of course I couldn’t keep […]

MONSTERS ONLY – printable party pack

I love throwing birthday parties. Sometimes I wish that my kids had one twice a year. Not that I want them to grow up faster (I want them to stop where they are!) but because the parties are fun. We do find times to have a party for random occasions, but there’s just something about […]