FREE kids crafts – DIY Kids necklace

FREE kids crafts - DIY necklace made from magazine pages

I’m sure that everyone has had their “IT’S SUMMER” time and kids are finally starting to use the sshhh “bored” word. So so this is something that you can make using stuff around your house, and keep the kiddos entertained for a while without spending a dime! Today’s project is a DIY kids necklace

FREE kids crafts - DIY necklace made from magazine pages


  • Old magazines
  • Paper cutter or scissors
  • String or rope
  • Mod podge or other adhesive
  • pencil or straw

FREE kids crafts - DIY necklace made from magazine pages

Cut the really colorful pages of magazine into 1 inch strips. Put mod podge on one end of the strip, on the side you want facing out.

FREE kids crafts - DIY necklace made from magazine pages

Roll the strip of paper around a pencil, adhering the beginning edge to the other side. Once you get to the end, put more mod podge onto the end and hold in place to adhere.

FREE kids crafts - DIY necklace made from magazine pages

Continue a bunch of times, with all different colors of strips, until you have enough for your necklace. Once dry, string the “beads” onto rope and tie with a double knot, long enough to slip over your childs head.

FREE kids crafts - DIY necklace made from magazine pages

Both of my kids love their necklaces. And although they quickly ruined their first ones by running thru sprinklers (dang kids!) but we quickly made more and they were so happy to show them off to friends!

FREE kids crafts - DIY necklace made from magazine pages

FREE kids crafts - DIY necklace made from magazine pages

These are also a great idea for a kids craft camp. You can prep the “beads” ahead of time or have them make it at the beginning of the camp and assemble toward the end to give them drying time.

FREE kids crafts - DIY necklace made from magazine pages
Check out these other fun posts:
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DIY “let it go” tote
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blue line


  1. Such a cute kids craft! (And the best part is it’s FREE)! Thanks Vanessa!

  2. How fun! And I like that it’s easy! Pinning!

  3. Such a cute craft to do with the kiddos!

  4. I totally rememeber making those when I was a kid! I love that idea! I will have to do this with my daughter. She would have a riot! I cant get over how adorable your son is in this picture. His expression is hilarious!

  5. This is so cute! And I love that it uses things you probably already have laying around the house anyway. So fun. Thanks so much for sharing at Inspire Me Wednesday. Featuring you in this week’s issue.

  6. Nice post…glad to hear my kids aren’t the only ones who wreck things right after they have made them.

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