Use the Power Cleaning Method to pick up your house and get EVERYONE involved.
Everyone in my family hates picking up the house. Not necessarily the kitty gritty cleaning part but putting away all the stuff. All day long I hear “that’s not mine” “I didn’t use that” “I’ll put it away later”. So we started doing regular power cleaning sessions.
Rules of our power cleaning
- Set a timer for a certain amount of time
- we usually do 15-20 minutes
- Turn the music up LOUD
- I let my kids pick the music. They are so much more productive when they have picked what to listen to.
- It doesn’t matter if it’s yours or if you touched it, you still can put it away
- My kids always try to say it’s not theirs, but none of that matters. We all put away everything.
- Start in one room at a time, then move to the next when it’s done
- If you focus on one area at a time, you won’t start the ADD cleaning process!
- Don’t run from floor to floor. Use a clutter bucket.
- We don’t waste our time running upstairs then back down. Instead we use a clutter bucket to collect all of the items that belong on another floor and once that floor is done, we take the bucket to it’s appropriate floor and put it away then.
- No stopping. You can do non-stop cleaning for a few minutes….you won’t die.
- If you stop cleaning, you will have a harder time starting again. Just go, go, go!
Multiple times during power cleaning I may need to remind the kids to keep cleaning, and yes I have to tell them “YOU WONT DIE” on the regular. But can I tell you that it is so much more fun to clean together and have some dance moves while we are running around the house. It’s also amazing how much more we can get accomplished than if I were to tell the kids to go pick up the living room. See, if I had said “go pick up” it would take them an hour to do the one room. They would get distracted, fight over who has to pick up what, leave items that weren’t theirs etc. But now with the power cleaning method, they are so quick to get it picked up and everything where it belongs.
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