Back to School Countdown Tasks Banner

Who would have thought that it’s time to start thinking Back to School already?! I feel like Summer just started, but have already started on our checklist of the hundreds of things needed to get done before my two little kids go back. 

Although we have tackled a bunch of the things on our list, there’s some things that are a last minute task whether we like it or not. Our family made a list of 7 things to do the last week of Summer, to get us ready for that first day of the ’15-’16 school year. Since my family is HUGE into the idea of countdowns (check out our Back to School countdown chain free printable over on O.T.I.) I decided it would be fun to make a pocket banner and each one will hold a task as we count down to the big day.

back to school countdown task list copy

The banner consists of a bunch of items from the Jen Hadfield product line with AC and also a bunch of little odds and ends I had around my house!


  • 1 Week until School Checklist (free printable here)
  • Coordinating Cardstock Paper
  • Gold Metal Clips
  • 7 Pocket Tags
  • Paper Cutter
  • Double Sided Adhesive
  • Glittered Ribbon
  • Rick-Rack & other ribbons
  • Thickers stickers

I started by cutting a bunch of different sized “tags” out of the coordinating cardstock. I did different shapes, different lengths, different widths and all different colors. The more variety the better the banner looks in my opinion! 

pocket tags

String the pocket tags onto your rick-rack spreading all 7 out evenly. Place numbers 0-6 on the front of them, counting down from left to right.

glittering a clip

Next I embellished the gold clips with some glittered ribbon. I cut some double sided adhesive to the same size as the front of the clip, and put it on the front. Then I cut the glittered ribbon the same size and adhered it to the front of the clip.

glittered clip
The funnest part comes next, a whole bunch of randomness!! I know it sounds silly, but I really just threw things up. I used the random tags and some scrap ribbon and held them in place with the glittered clips. 

banner embellishments

Once everything is up, I cut out the 1 Week until School Checklist into strips, one for each day, and stuck them inside each of the pockets. I kinda determined how much time we would need for each one, or which days would be best for each task and put them in accordingly. Obviously the night before one goes in the “1” labeled pocket, and the 1st Day of School goes in the “0” labeled pocket.

embelishments on a banner
How much longer do you have until your kiddos go back to school? Make sure to get this quick banner put together so they can have a fun countdown list too!

back to school

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Back to school party with free printables

FREE Print & Cut #BackToSchool countdown chain. Let your kids get excited about BTS by putting together this chain leading up to the first day of school. Printable has each day up to 45 days til school, and even a few blank ones.
Free Print & Cut Back to School Countdown Chain

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