Archives for August 2014

Amazon Gift Card Giveaway

Guys, I have a FANTASTIC giveaway today. With it being back to school time, I’m sure that we call can use a little extra $$$ to help with the supplies and clothing that you have to purchase. And heck, even if you aren’t going thru the back to school phase, it’s never too early to […]

DIY t-shirt “I’m so tired”

Do you remember when I posted this picture on IG? I fell in love with the statement on this shirt, but I had found it at a little boutique and it was $48. Seriously, $48 is way too much for this stay at home mommy. So of course I left with the intention of making […]

DIY Superhero Mask

I’m so excited today to share this tutorial with you guys. My kids have absolutely loved it, and so we know have the supplies on hand at all times for when they come up with a new idea for a superhero. The best part of this, the kids can be whoever they want. My kids […]

Back to School party

My kids go to school in 1 week. Seriously you guys, how in the world did that happen? I can’t even believe that they are that old. So today we planned to have all their friends over for one last shabang before school starts. I can’t wait to share all the aspects of it with […]