Slimfast 14 day slimdown

This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Slimfast, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #14daystoslim” Follow them on Facebook and Pinterest

Have your cake and eat it too!

 tips for fitting into a little black dress

I have my 10 year high school reunion coming up in just 2 months (ok, ok, get the old jokes out of the way!). It’s crazy how things like that slip up on you…and how the pounds creeped right up with them. They asked what kind of reunion we wanted to have, and so far the vote is for a nice formal attire evening. I started to get super excited about it, and then quickly realized that I don’t fit into anything “fancy” from the past because lately I let myself eat out and sneak a snack all too often. I am still being relatively active, and goodness knows I’m sweating bullets all day long in this heat. But the pounds are still holding on, and to be completely honest, I’m just not too happy about where my body is at right now.

I am determined to fit into the “little black dress” that I have hanging in my closet, but it’s gonna take work, discipline and probably a few tears and sore days. But I can’t wait to get to where I want to be. I can’t wait to look in the mirror and know that it’s a healthy mom looking back. I am putting this out there so that YOU can hold me accountable. YOU can know what I want to do, where I want to be and how I want to help myself get there. Is there anything better than having a ton of other people on your side as you challenge yourself to meet a new goal?

Here are a few things that I’m gonna start doing (or do more of)


DRINK MORE WATER. We all know that my go to is Dr Pepper. And I’ve said it a million times that I’m just not completely ready to cut it out forever. I will still indulge in one while out to dinner, at the movies or some other random times. But I promise myself that I wont drink 80 oz a day like I have been know to do.

no sugar

GET RID OF THE SUGAR IN THE HOUSE. If it’s there, I’m gonna eat it. I know I’m not the only one that is this way. I can tell myself that those cookies are only for the kids. But lets be honest, when I get that 10 pm craving for anything sweet, I will go in search of whatever I can find. So I need to get them out. If it’s not an “approved sweet” it shouldn’t be int he house!


WORKOUT REGULARLY. I’m very good at making excuses as to why I can’t workout. Money, time, the kids would rather be at the pool, I should clean the house instead etc etc etc. There’s so many reasons why I CAN’T workout…but the reason that I SHOULD workout is the only one that matters. A healthy lifestyle is the most important.

slimfast have your cake bar

WATCH MY MEALS. I just came across the Slimfast 14 day slimdown, and I got super excited about it. They have their shakes and bars that are perfect meal replacement items and with following their suggestions you can loose 6 lbs in the first 2 weeks. A lot of what they say is included in what I have planned for this Summer, but I thought I would share their ideas as well.

slimfast have your cake bars

  •  Swap two meals daily with a Slimfast® protein shake or meal bar
  •  The third meal must be 500 calories
  •  Enjoy three 100-calorie snacks or pieces of fruit per day
  •  Don’t exceed 1200 calories per day
  •  Do 30 minutes of light to medium exercise daily and drink plenty of water

I got the Have your cake meal bars from Slimfast (sold at Target and other large stores nationwide) and although the kids took over the first bar I tried, I have loved using them as a  meal replacement. They are a little too sweet for me to have for breakfast, but they have been perfect for a lunch time meal and I don’t find myself craving something else when I’m done. I’ve been following the Slimfast 14 days to slim ideas for about 5 days now, and I’m already feeling so much better.


HAVE A CHEAT DAY. I know that if I am ALWAYS limiting what I can eat and how much time I have to spend at the gym, I will start to resent the whole process. I don’t want that to happen, I want it to work and I’m looking forward to a change. So I’m going to allow myself a day a week to not workout, to not have to count all the calories I’m eating and maybe even have a late night snack with my hubby after the kids have gone to bed. 

pamper yourself for self esteem

I also want to add, that I think making myself feel good is a big part of the whole process. I don’t think I’m ugly, I don’t think that my body is unattractive, but I know that I can be better. So I am always trying to pamper myself a little by getting a new haircut, pedicures, painting my nails a fun color, or trying new makeup. All these different things help boost my self esteem along the journey of making my body and lifestyle more healthy and where I want it to be. 

blue line


  1. Hi! Loved this post! It’s so true, if you go to strict you’ll resent the process. I’m a health coach for Take Shape for Life. Have you heard of our program? Basically we teach people to eat healthy 6x a day. Check out the website or email me if you want to learn more.

  2. I need to do better too! But I love me some DR PEPPER

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