I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias and their client Lunchables Jr.
You guys, have you seen the brand new (just came out in July) #LunchablesJr that can be found in the baby aisle at Walmart? When my kids saw them, they kinda freaked out (in a good way!) about how fun they were. They had the cutest “themes” to them; Blueberry Bonanza, Teddy Bear Picnic, Very Beary Crunch, and Ants on a Log. Darling, right?! How could I say no to their cute little faces begging for some new snacktime treats? And besides, it’s a treat that I can just grab from the pantry and not have to prepare, SCORE!
Well, the Home School Mommy in me immediately started thinking as to how we could use these the next day for school, and the ideas just kept flowing. So today I thought I would share with you what we did. The kids barely even realized that they were learning. When we got done, The Little Man even said “Mom, when are we gonna finish school”.
Sensory Activity:
Because each package comes with 3 different, and very distinct textured food items, I thought this would be a great sensory activity. We talked about how each section had a different texture and feel to it. The bears/sticks were crunchy and hard. The apples/raisins were soft and “ooey gooey”. The peanut butter was slimy and slippery. The kids loved that they could stick their fingers in the food (and not get in trouble!) to see what each one felt like.
I put out silicone containers and asked the kids to put ONE cracker in the first container, then two crackers in the second, three and then four. Once we had counted out individual containers, we then counted the total for all of the containers.
Of course, this was the kids’ favorite part because it was subtraction. I would put 3 apples/raisins out in front of the kids. They would then count them. Then I would ask, if you eat 2 of them, how many is left. They loved eating them, then counting the remaining and talking about how the subtraction worked.
We loved using Lunchables Jr to make learning fun. How do you creatively teach your kids? I’d love more tips to keep my kids interested.
Lunchables website | Facebook | Lunchables at Walmart
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What a fun way to teach them to count! I love those dishes, wish I would have bought some of those on PYP….
Its definitely easier to teach them things with food and treats!! Makes my job a lot easier.
What a creative idea!
Thank you. It was a fun way to learn!
Huh, I didn’t know these were a thing! I think I’ll have to snag a couple! Cute idea.
hehe, this made me giggle. They most definitely are a thing…but a very new thing!
What a fun idea for homeschool!
Its so much better to involve food or a craft when teaching the kids! This just worked perfectly with that day’s lesson and the kids loved it!
Those lunchables are adorable, I hadn’t seen them yet!!