Archives for February 2013

{Giveaway} I’m Feelin’ Lucky Door-hanger

I’m really excited about St Patty’s day this year. The kids will really be able to get into it now that they are older, and they are already asking to go on hunts for a Leprechaun! So when I started to put up décor for St Patrick’s day yesterday, they both jumped for joy! It […]

Remember to remember you–NIVEA and You

While I was at the doctor’s last night, for 3 hours, I found out some information and fun facts that I thought would be great to pass along to all of YOU.Photo Source1- There’s 4 main elements to having Strep Throat, and doctor’s can usually tell if you have it even before swabbing just by […]

…and steal their immune system

I’ve been sick since Wednesday and its gradually getting worse. Is funny cause I’ll OD oven vitamins and feel ok for a few hours but then it hits me again, HARD. Yesterday I had the BYB conference in SLC and was determined to go. I was fine for about half of it but then got […]

CookiesKids Review–Cute and Inexpensive children’s clothes

I have a slight shopping problem. I have always loved buying clothes, and when I had kids, it just transferred from buying it for me to buying for them. The hard part about that is, now there’s 2 of them. And they grow so dang quick that it seems like it’s impossible to keep them […]