Our Thrifty Ideas 2.0

Yup, you heard me right TWO POINT O! If you are completely oblivious (or new!) than you didn’t notice that the site is well, different. I guess you could call it that. Considering it doesn’t look the same AT ALL.

Our Thrifty Ideas got a makeover from Jeannette at Crafty Hippo Designs. My main goal was to make the blog look clean and run more smooth. I’m fairly certain that Jeannette got that accomplished and I’m so in love with the new look.

The old header (made by poor little me) looked like this

And the new AMAZING header looks like this.

I now know that my life’s calling is NOT designing blogs!! Jeannette did such an incredible job on this design. From the time she sent me the first preview, I was a giddy little girl. Each night I would tell Sean how excited I was to look like a “real blog” instead of a “hide in the closet and pretend like I know what I’m doing” kinda blog!

And not only is the design of the blog different, I have changed a bunch of layouts, the Nav. Bar is easier to use, and it is so much easier to find what you might be looking for on Our Thrifty Ideas.

A few of the pages are still under maintenance, because I want to make sure I don’t miss anything before posting it. But they will work the same as the one I’m going to show you today.

Let’s get started on the tour.

You may have noticed in the header shot, that the nav bar is very simple. It is now a drop down menu to help you in finding what you need.

For example, in the Recipes menu, you’ll find

  • All
  • Kid Friendly
  • Sweets
  • Holiday
  • (more to come)

If you know you want a yummy dessert, you can click on the “Sweets” link, and you’ll see the following page

This page has all of the yummy dessert recipes I have featured here on the blog. All you’ll need to do is click on either the Description or the picture and it will take you to that post!

Each page in the menu will work just like the sweets one, making it so much easier to work your way around Our Thrifty Ideas!

A few design changes:

My favorite change is the new feature to make it easy to stay connected with Our Thrifty Ideas. There’s links to all social media, emails, and rss feeds! You wont miss a thing
You’ll notice that the only button on the side bar is for Our Thrifty Ideas. I’d love if you would take that button and share it on your blog so that your friends can follow too. The other linky buttons are now at the bottom of the page. You’ll also find the search bar, archive, and labels at the bottom if you prefer to search the blog that way.

Oh, and if you aren’t already following me on Twitter, you should! It’s my new favorite discovery. I’m not sure why I have waited so long to figure it out. But it sure is fun! BUT, if you are not a twitter fan yet, you can still follow my tweets on my updated feed that is also on the side bar!
Ok, now that you’ve had the amazing tour, you need to do a few things. Head over and thank Crafty Hippo Designs for the INCREDIBLE job that she did. You can find her on Facebook (here) or her blog (here). If you want a fabulous design from her, make sure to tell her that I sent you.
Here’s a few blog makeover tips:
  • She’s incredible, so don’t be afraid to tell her that!!
  • Let her know up front, in the order form, exactly what you are looking for. Give her links to other blogs that you like, and different designs, colors, themes, etc. The more information you give her, the less tweaking she will need to do.
  • If you have social media, give her all of those links. Before I only had a few of mine linked to the page, and since she posted the others, my followers has greatly increased because they now know where to find me!
  • If something is off, take a screen shot and send it to her. That way she knows exactly what you are talking about. If you don’t know how to do this, just google it for whatever browser you use (ie Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox etc). BTW I love this feature and use it all the time
  • Be patient. She is SO willing and incredibly willing to make changes. But we all must remember that she has a life too, and just because you are online looking at your blog THAT VERY SECOND, doesn’t mean she is too! But she will get to it, and she is quick. She also works long hours to get it done. She installed my blog some time between the email she sent me at 10:02 and the email she sent me at 11:45.
Working with Crafty Hippo Designs was such a wonderful experience. I’m so pleased to have the incredible new design and such a fresh and clean look.
Thanks Jeanette 

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  1. You are so welcome! Part of the problem with late night installs and e-mails is because I live in Alaska. So midnight central standard time is only 9pm for me which happens to be when my little one is sleeping. lol :0) I’m so glad you like it!

  2. Looks fabulous! Except on mine the header logo is giant and your menu buttons are waaay off to the right. It seems “off” because the posts are exactly the perfect size and perfectly readable. I’ll try it on a different device….. Could just be me. Love the new look of the pages though. Nice job crafty hippo!

  3. Looks fabulous! Except on mine the header logo is giant and your menu buttons are waaay off to the right. It seems “off” because the posts are exactly the perfect size and perfectly readable. I’ll try it on a different device….. Could just be me. Love the new look of the pages though. Nice job crafty hippo!

    • Brandice,
      are you on a mobile device? I noticed my mobile version was off earlier. Or are you on a computer? We don’t want it to look weird so any feedback is great!!

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