Gettin’ all sentimental

I don’t think that I could even begin to count how many times I have said that word lately. You know when you just can’t think of the right word to describe something, so all you can say is “Wow”? I have had so many experiences like that the past few days. I feel so blessed that here is where I get all sappy on you!
If you follow me on facebook, you heard about our CRAZY storm we had on Thursday. We woke up to no power and had wind up to 100+mph. Looking in the sky you would have thought it was a beautiful fall day. It was beautiful out, if you ignored the ugly garbage flying 200 feet in the air!
and not long after being awake I heard a huge THUD on the side of the house. When I went to inspect, I found my garbage can had been blown over, and was full speed racing to the street! I caught it in the middle of the road, about 75 feet from where it had started. After chasing it 2 more times, I finally got smart and pulled it into the house with us!
On my way back inside, I was dodging the flying shingles that were being ripped from the neighbors garage.
Unfortunately the wind continued for hours, so we braved the storm and headed out to, as The Little Man says, MacDees for lunch and to warm up in the Playplace! While we were out and about, I took pictures of some of the destruction our small town received.
It is sad the amount of trees lost to one storm. Some cities in the county even declared a state of emergency on Thursday Afternoon. Sean’s co-worker has a family member who lost 14 trees, and  the local golf course lost 400 pine trees. Yah, 400!
Ok, here’s where I mushy, so beware!!
On Sunday we were told there would be another wind storm, but everyone went about their business as usual that day. We arrived at our 3 hour long church at 9 am, but half way thru had someone walk into the classroom and ask everyone to meet in the chapel for a quick meeting. When everyone was together, the bishop quickly asked everyone to go home, get something to eat and join back together at 11 am to help the entire neighborhood/city with cleanup from Thursday’s disaster.
Unfortunately having 2 little ones, I had to stay home with them, but I still saw the power of a community, neighborhood, and complete strangers coming together to help absolutely anybody. You didn’t need to know the person to be of help. If you saw a group of people at one spot, people would just stop to help.
And the city even opened up multiple sites for green waste, that normally wouldn’t be open  on a Sunday.
As you can tell, they got lots of use that day!
Fortunately, the storm they thought was coming on Sunday was not as bad as predicted. But, many people in our city, and a whole bunch in the county are still without power. We are hoping and praying they get it again soon, and are staying warm in the process.
For those reading this that were affected by the storm but still stopped what you were doing to help others, Thank You. It was so amazing and inspiring to see everyone working together for a greater cause, and even no benefit to themselves.
(A huge Thank You to a neighbor who’s pictures I stole off Facebook and used with my own)
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  1. Hope you have power by now! 🙂 That’s terrible that happened to yall, but at least there are kind strangers…hopefully that will continue to be the case in these situations!

  2. That is some crazy weather! I’ve never heard of anything like that happening in December.

  3. Disasters could really bring a community together. People come together to help each other and do what they can do for each other. I guess this is one of the things we people could be thankful for. 🙂

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