Just my luck!

Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this picture?!
This is what happens when a 2 year old gets to your laptop while both parents are in the other room. He pulls the spacebar off the keyboard. I can’t even explain how long it takes to write a post now.  And I have the big Brthday Bash to get ready for next week.
blue line


  1. I have to comment because my almost-two-year old did the same thing to our laptop last week–but we were also missing 6 letters and the shift key. He then threw them in the garbage but we found them before it was too late.

  2. my neighbor’s little 2-year-old has pulled all the keys off of their computer – twice. at least. that I know of anyway. 🙂 so sorry – but if it’s any comfort to sort of know it’s natural….it sort of is. 🙂

  3. Maybe he wants to break things because he likes so much to try and fix things. You can always find the good in it!
    Kim Marquiss

  4. haha this picture makes me cringe! Glad my son never did that!

  5. My son loves flicking the keys off of a keyboard. I can’t tell you how much time I’ve spent crawling around on the floor trying to find lost keys! 😛

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