Can you believe it?

Can you believe that the day is almost here?
Tomorrow morning I will be getting up bright and early to go bring this little one into the world.
We are so excited to have her as part of our family, but to tell you the truth, the past 2 days I have been a nervous wreck!
I had an unplanned c-section with The Little Man, and not even a normal one. I had to be put under for the procedure. So I technically don’t even know what to expect with this c-section. The nerves, fears, and all other thoughts has been going thru my brain.
But the truth is, all I care is that this little girl gets here safe and sound and brings nothing but joy to our family!
I am one of those Mom’s who takes WAY too many pictures, and shares them until you are sick of it. So fair warning…..I will be posting pictures!
With at least 3 days expected to be in the hospital, hopefully I will have some time to write a post or two.
Until then, Barker party of 3 signing off!

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  1. Good luck Momma. And congratulations. Everything will be fine. It is totally normal to be nervous.

  2. Good luck to you and early congratulations!! I had a planned c-section with my last little girl (cuz she was a footling breach and we didn’t to risk trying to rotate her) and I was a nervous wreck. After the injection in the spine (sorry to tell you but this is very painful) you won’t feel a thing and then about 10 minutes later you will have your beautiful little girl. My whole c-section took about 30 minutes. Get plenty of rest!! 🙂

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