Cleaning the house

Today I told The Little Man that we needed to clean up his mess.
He LOVES to clean.
For Christmas he got a play Dyson vacuum! It actually works or you can just turn on the sound and make the little balls swirl around. He plays with it every single day and still is not sick of it!
I hope that he keeps the love for cleaning!
I had to take a picture of him cleaning today!! And of course, it ended up too cute that I had to share!
(Yes, his vacuum is purple! It’s the only color they make it in!)

Now I just need the same motivation to get this house clean before Baby Girl gets here!

blue line


  1. Adorable. I love that he is cleaning in the buff. My kids run around butt naked all day. Clothes+my kids=not happening. 🙂

  2. That is adorable!

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