Yarn Crazy Day!

It may have taken me FOREVER, but here are the new and improved yarn eggs!
But first of all, a moment of silence for my poor finger that WAS harmed in the making of this post…..
I’m normally so good with my glue gun. But today was just a struggle between us! My poor pointer finger on my left hand took the brunt of the struffle and now has a huge blister on the side.
Because of the blister {which was formed within the first 30 seconds of the projects} I did not get too many progressive pictures. But not to worry, these projects are super easy. No pictures required!
I took a cheap $.98 package of easter eggs from Walmart and glued them shut so that they wont come apart.
Start at the top of the egg with a glob of hot glue, and wrap the yarn around it! Wrap around the egg until you get half way down. Then start at the other end, and wrap until you meet up with where you stopped.
Yup, that easy!!
I kinda like how a bit of the color from the plastic egg shows through. That way each one is a little different.
Then I made a homemade birds nest!
I started by glueing 4 sticks together in the center. It helps to keep form if you place it in a bowl.
Then I placed 4 sticks about 3/4 of the way up connecting the origianl 4.
And although this may look totally sparatic and disorganized, I then glued smaller twigs onto each of the 4 connectors. This fills in the nest.
I tired to take my nest out of the bowl too quickly in order to take a picture, and the whole thing started to fall apart. So make sure you leave your nest in the bowl for a few hours so that it can completely cool and harden.
Then place your eggs, birds, or whatever other fun spring decor you have inside your nest!
PS, these eggs are TOO big for my little nest!
Did I mention that I went Yarn Crazy today? I had fun making the eggs, so I decided to make a frame as well.
Stay tuned for how this turns out in my decor!
~Get your thrift on!
blue line


  1. That’s a really cute idea for a nest. I’ll have to try it one day.

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