Wow, this couldn’t wait until after my vacation to share.
I have officially fallen head over heals IN LOVE.
Nope, not with a person, with a table and chairs.
It was just a week ago that I told Sean our table “had to go, or had to change ASAP”.
Living in a rental, we can not paint. So to me, the kitchen and dining area are so…
I told him I wanted to paint the table white and do different colored chairs. Of course, he gave me the “are you crazy” look but kindly agreed that I could do whatever I wanted.
Tonight, I found my dream table and chairs.

(Photo credit here – All Things Thrifty)
Sorry if the picture is too big. I couldn’t help but make it hugely beautiful for you to admire!
I just had to share!

blue line


  1. Very cool! I keep debating painting my dining table a bright color…but with my Key Lime wall I sadly think it will be too much 🙁

  2. This All Things Thrifty is a girl friend of mine. She is AMAZING!!!!

    So cute

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