Stylish Blogger Award

I received a fabulous award from To a Mans Heart and A Womans Thighs.
7 Things about Me –
I am a mother of an amazing 18 month old little man with 1 more baby on the way (est arrival July 19). I’m not sure how I got so lucky to be trusted to raise these amazing children for their time on this earth. They are a true blessing and I am thankful everyday for my amazing little family!
I LOVE to cook. Unfortunately I married someone who would love to live off cold cereal for 3 meals a day, 7 days a week. Thankfully now I have an 18 month old to cook for, and he enjoys my food!
I am ADDICTED to TV! I know this is a very unhealthy habit, but at least most of the time I am “watching” it, I am also chasing the little man around, so I am getting my exercise. A SMALL list of the shows I watch is
*All the CSI shows
*Criminal Minds
*One Tree Hill
*Teen Mom
*America’s Next Top Model
*So You Think You Can Dance
*Jersey Shore
*Law and Order
I used to clog! Well, I guess I can say that I still do. I clog in my kitchen everyday. My legs/feet never stop moving. I clogged from the time I was 5 until I was 23. I competed on a National ranked team and traveled across the US. I was lucky enough to compete in New Orleans just over a week before the huricane. The places that hobby took me was such a blessing.
I am coming up on my 4 year wedding anniversary this month! I can’t believe it has been 4 years already. But at the same time, it feels like we have been together for eternity.
I am addicted to Dr Pepper. I have tried to give it up so many times, but that is just not gonna happen!
I was born a blonde and was a blonde my entire life until less than a year ago. I had NEVER put any color in my hair, but after being convinced by MANY people, I went dark. I am now a brunette and love it!
Here are the rules:
The terms for accepting the award are:
1-) Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award…
2-) Share 7 things about yourself…
3-) Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers… and
4-) Contact the blogger and tell them about the award…
My top blogs that I pass the award to are:
Go check out all the amazing blogs!! You will learn so much from these inspiring and talented people!
~Get your thrift on!
blue line


  1. Thanks SO much for the award for my blog 🙂 It made my day. It was fun popping over and learning a little bit more about you too!!! Have a superb weekend!!!

    ~Lori @ Paisley Passions

  2. Thanks so much for the award! I loved reading about you…I too clogged when I was younger! Not as long as you, but for like 7 years. I loved it and I miss my legs being in such good shape 🙂 I’m now following you!
    Christine @ krazy crafty lady

  3. Congratulations on a well deserved award! Your little one is sooooo adorable.

  4. Thank you so much for the award!!! This will be fun to read and learn more about everyone!


  5. Thanks again for the award! I’m hoping to have time this weekend to re-award it! Not enough hours in the dayyy

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