A great post

As you all know, I LOVE to surf the web and read everyone else’s blogs. I could, and most times do, spend hours a week and get completely lost in the writings of others.
There are truely heros of mine out there. I can’t believe that some people have the talents that they do, and I’m so glad to be a part of it, even just as a reader.
While reading blogs this week, I read an amazing post about positive comments out in the blogesphere.
my favorite quote from her post:
“I am calling on you to ensure our blogging community continues to be a positive place.  I am calling on you to use your words to uplift, encourage, bless, motivate, strengthen, and even heal!”
If you haven’t yet, you should read the full post. It is very inspiring, and is not just for bloggers (although that’s who it’s directed at).
I read this post a few days ago, and have not been able to stop thinking about it. I have realized this is something that I need to use in my everyday life.
Tomorrow I am going to have my mom and sister help me sketch out and cut the following in vinyl for my wall:
Thanks for letting me vent, and again, head over and read the full post. I loved it!
I’ll be back on Monday with a wonderful guest post. Trust me, you wont want to miss this one!
~Get your thrift on!
blue line

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