Lazy Day

Because of the wonderful storm we got last night, I made the executive decision that we would stay at home and have a lazy day today!! William was A-OK with that, because he loves running around with no shirt on and staying in his sweats all day!
Who wouldn’t?!
Well, starting at about 9:45 am, he continuously ran around the house screaming “Mac-chee” as loud as he could. He seemed very proud of himself when I finally caved just before 11 and granted his wish of an early lunch.
Oh yum, Mac and Cheese with apples yet again!
{Can you sense the sarcasm?}
Ok, is it just me, or do all mom’s spend a huge portion of their LIFE cutting the peel off the apples before feeding them to their child?
Oh, and guess who is ALWAYS ready for a photo shoot, even while he’s drinking his juice?! Notice the cute dimples hiding there on the side! I had to post this one just cause it made me laugh!
How did everyone else spend their cold and snowy day?
Oh yeah, and we have a winner of the Bright and Beyond giveaway.
Congratulations to #4
Mandy Agnello
Mandy I have sent you an email on how to claim your prize
~Get your thrift on!
blue line

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