Content of Our Thrifty Ideas

If you have been following my blog for a while, you’ll notice there’s been a huge change in content lately. I have had so many people ask me why I have changed so much. The reason is simple…Family!
I realized that I was spending too much time online trying to get each and every deal possible for all my readers. Yes it was great, but I didn’t like that it was taking over time I could have been spending with my family.
So instead, I am going to post great deals that you can get, as well as other fabulous ways to save money for your family. This will come as home decor, activities for your family, as well as of course using coupons!!

I hope that everyone that has been with Our Thrifty Ideas for a while is ok with the change, and will stick with us as we get used to the new contents of the blog!!
Thanks everyone!

~Get your thrift on!
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