Readers Input – Living as a One Income Household

I just received an amazing email from a reader Monica. She had such amazing ideas, that I had to share with everyone.
“My story is a little different I went to one income as a single mom to much lower income when I became disabled!
The ways I had to cut down our expenses were gradual and neccessary!
I cut down our cable bill, I have a bundle with my phone, cable and internet all through the cable company.
I got energy efficient light bulbs and we are very aware of keeping all electric off unless absolutely necessary, even unplugging appliances when not in use saves a bundle. Also a lot of tv’s and computers have a “standby” mode that is sucking up your electricity when turned off, but not unplugged.
We insulate our apartment well, take a lit candle (carefully! especially around curtains!) and hold it around suspected drafts around doors and windows , when the flame flickers ( and be sure you are not breathing on it, lol!) then you have a draft that needs to be insulated.
If you have a water bill ( and I don’t I live in an apartment) then turn off water while brushing your teeth, don’t run rinse water for dishes, put rinse water in a dish pan and dip them in. Check for dripping faucets and put in a little device on them that has a little shut off valve that you flip up or down to keep them off.
Always run a full load of dishes in the dishwasher and in your washing machine.
To save gas, wash your clothes in cold water always a full load.
keep thermostat down a little, wear a sweater, even 5 degrees will save a bunch. Turn down the thermostat when gone during the day and at night when you go to bed under your covers.
Do laundry at night when the heat will go to good use.
Same with baking.
Only use coupons for what you were already going to purchase and check to see if generics/store brands are cheaper in the long run and use your coupons when items are on sale.
Google grandma’s recipes she knew what she was doing, she lived during the depression! Groceries are the biggest place to find extra money! check out hillbilly housewife website, money saving grocery lists and recipes. I can buy a whole chicken and have 3 dinners out of it! ( the whole raw ones)
Use the library, it is free! Check out dvd movies, cd’s, books and they have free events for kids all the time.
While there, read the local paper and check out all the free events in the community, or real cheap ones.
Churches are always having little festivals that are like 50 cents a ticket or sometimes completely free.
On Saturdays there are many car dealers that have free balloons, popcorn, hotdogs, coke, do some daydreaming window shopping and get a fun lunch free for the little ones!
When my kids were little there were always free or dirt cheap community events, and don’t forget the yard sales and garage sales!
I get everything from thrift stores. We have name brand stuff we find there. If you have to buy it new, use coupons and sales and always check the clearance racks first!
When I use laundry detergent I always use 1/3 of the cap full and it works great! 1/4 cup of vinegar added gets rid of all odors, stains and works as a laundry softener all in one and it is dirt cheap!
I add water to our shampoo, just keep the old bottle and mix half shampoo and half water, works just the same, no one notices and our hair is still shiny and clean.
Vinegar and baking soda work the best as any drain opener I have ever used.
Good old diluted bleach and baking soda ( not mixed together!) work as great house hold cleaners and kill all the germs
Lemon juice will get rid of stains. Diluted instant coffee covers scratches on furniture, just make a paste out of it.
Vaseline is great to prevent diaper rash. Just rub it on after each diaper change.
All of these products can be purchased at the dollar store.
Baby toys can be purchased at the thrift store or at yard sales and then you can run them through the dishwasher or wash in diluted bleach water and they are good as new.
Always check your car tires the correct pressure will save gas, don’t take off too fast at stoplights and stop signs this will save gas and lets face it we are usually not driving a race car, so drive it like one! ( this saves on wear and tear of your engine too)
Always change your oil on time, this will save gas because you car is running efficiently,
Do all your errands at once, map out a route that will save the most gas.
Make a list of errands and for the store so another trip will not be needed.
Make a menu and stick to it, this saves the most on the food bill.
Plan for busy days and pack a lunch, just like you are going to work, pack one for the kids too with snacks, so you are always prepared and never have to hit another drive-thru. Be prepared and your will destress your life!
Buy the boxed milk, this is ingenious and my kids love the taste. It lasts in the pantry and has saved me runs to the store just for milk, they have it at the dollar store!
Check out the YMCA, I applied for their “Open Doors” program and it gives me a discount based on my income and now my family can go swimming and work out and there is a teen room for them to do activities and hang out. There is also a daycare for the parents working out for no extra charge, it is part of your membership.
It is like an indoor water park, for really cheap, we can split up inside and do our own thing, they are safe, and we don’t have cabin fever in the winter!
For Christmas, I make baskets for everyone. I buy the baskets at thrift stores, I buy ornaments and ribbon there too.
I look at yard sales and thrift stores all year and collect things for the baskets and then I add baked goods right before I give them out. I make cookies, breads, brownies, bars, and fudge. I wrap them in cellophane with pretty ribbons and I put little napkins or wrapping paper in the bottom. People beg for my baskets and they are very cheap to make and very well received.
I do this for children too, only i include things from the dollar store like crayons, coloring books, baby dolls, toy bottles, etc.
Good luck and get your thrift on!!!
~Get your thrift on!
blue line


  1. Great Ideas!

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