I’ve been sitting in court ALL MORNING

I got a phone call yesterday followed by a voice mail from Layton City’s attorny. Turns out they forgot to supena me for court TODAY. Yes, today.
When I called back, nobody answered. So I left a message telling them to call me ASAP. That ASAP was apparently this morning, informing me to be in court 20 minutes from that time…And to stop by work and pick up the evidence. I’m so glad I’m doing their leg work for them!
So I went and sat in court all morning only to be informed that both the girl they were prosecuting and the defendant were both already in jail and they were having a hard time getting them there.
They called for a continuation and I will get to go back another day. Let’s just hope that they give me more than 20 minutes of notice next time!
~Get your thrift on!
blue line


  1. Well…that’s a nice way to start the day…LOL

  2. SO… that is crazy…you’d think they’d be more organized.

  3. I’d be billing them for my wasted time. I’d also inform them if they can’t give at least two days prior notice that you will in no way be responsible if you are unable to get there.
    I mean a judge would require no less notice, so why should you as a tax payer be required any less notice?

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