200 “likes” on Facebook = Facebook Fan Only Giveaway! – CLOSED


I’ve been promising for a while that we would do a Facebook only giveaway! Unfortunately I was contacted by the administrators of Facebook saying that you can not PERFORM giveaways on facebook. You can promote them, but you should not use Facebook only for your giveaway.

That’s ok! We’ll follow the rules and still have a great giveaway!

Don’t we all want to know the prize first and foremost?!

The winner will get a gift certificate worth $25 to Alana Norell Jewelry. I told you about this website a while back. It is SO beautiful.

You could get this bracelet and still have money left over!
The possibilities are endless. They have so many different pieces to choose from!

How to win:
 You MUST be a fan on facebook to do this giveaway! If you are currently NOT a fan on facebook, hurry and become one and you can still participate!

Head over to Our Thrifty Ideas on Facebook
-Click on the “Suggest This” Tab at the top of my profile
-Suggest my site to your friends! It is THAT EASY!
{You can suggest up to 12 friends a day}

-I’m going to keep this one open until November 4th that way you have 8 days to suggest to your friends!

The winner will be the person who suggests the most to their friends. If we have a tie, I will pick the winner by who has the most friends that accepted!
Don’t worry about how to keep track. I can follow how many you suggest to, as well as who suggests!

The winner will be announced on November 5 and will have 48 hours to claim their prize. If the prize is not claimed on time, I will pick another winner!

~Get your thrift on!
blue line


  1. I liked and suggested, but I have a new account so there are not that many fans/friends on mine. Please check out my new FB fan page!


  2. facebook fan!
    [email protected]

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