Free Range Art Etsy Giveaway

Yup, that’s right, we have another giveaway!!!
This is my favorite one yet. No offense to any other giveaway I’ve ever done, but this one is exactly my style! And I hope yours too!
Before the giveaway, lets get to know the company first!
All of my things are made one piece at a time, most are one of a kind. I work with copper, leather, torch fired enamels. My style is an eclectic mix of western cowgirl , medievel romantic and celtic hence the name freerangeart. I draw most of my inspiration from living in the beautiful southwest desert of Utah and from many travels to Scotland and Europe
When not brainstorming creative ideas I run a small hobby farm that includes dogs, cats, horses, chickens and two gardens.
Jules has been kind enough to give us the most amazing necklace and earring set for one lucky reader.
This is a 20″ necklace made with torch fired glass enamel beads that she makes one at a time. This necklace is done in mauves and pink and includes crystals and czech glass. She also included a pair of matching earrings.
Are you as in love with this as I am?
Ok, now how to enter!
There’s multiple ways to enter, and I’ve made it easy to submit your entires. Just fill in the form below and click submit, it’s that easy!
**If you submit entries at different times, MAKE SURE TO SUBMIT YOUR NAME WITH EACH ENTRY!
1- Become a follower of Our Thrifty Ideas {click follow in the right side bar}
2- Head over and “like” Our Thrifty Ideas NEW facebook page {This is NOT the old one, this one I’ve only had about a week}
3- Follow Our Thrifty Ideas on Twitter! Yes, I broke down and did the Twitter thing!
4- Go to Free Range Art’s Etsy Shop and come back letting me know which of her items is your favorite!!
5- Go to Free Range Art’s Etsy Shop and click the “add to favorites”
6- Go to Free Range Art’s Etsy Shop and use the “Share” button to share her site via Facebook, Twitter, Etc. Let me know which form you used to share
The Giveaway will end October 5th at Midnight, and the Winner will be announced October 6th. The winner will be announced on the blog as well as contacted via email. They will have 24 hours to respond and claim their prize or else it will be given to another winner.
*I was not paid for this post. Everything writen is my own honest opinion and I was not obligated to post any positive feedback on the site
~Get your thrift on!
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