My morning!

I have spent my morning today doing the same thing I do the first day of every month! Watching the video rewards at Rite Aid. If you watch enough to get 20 credits, you can get a $5/20 coupons, but it also gets you a whole bunch of other store coupons. They are good for the entire current month, and don’t expire until the last day of the NEXT month! So May’s coupons wont expire til the end of June! This is a great way to get amazing deals from Rite Aid, because you can combine the Video Reward coupons with Manufacture coupons!!!!

I got my 20 credits this morning, and it only took around 10-15 minutes. You do have to “watch” the video because you need to type a code in at the end, but all I do is put on a good show, mute my computer, and semi pay attention!!

So, the next time you have 10-15 spare minutes, head over to Rite Aid’s video rewards!

~Get your thrift on!

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