10% off at City Deals

Right now you can get a 10% discount on ANYTHING at citydeals! Just use promocode NOWANDLATER at checkout! Also, when you get your certificate in the mail, you will get a coupon for 10% off your order dated June 1-June 10.
City Deals is a wonderful way to do your shopping outisde grocery stores. Also, you can get certificates for  food as well. It is a great way to go on an inexpensive date night with the hubby!

You could get a $25 Pizza Factory certificate for just $12.50!
So after the discount, you would pay $11.25 for a $25 certificate! That’s a great date night out!!

Or for Fathers Day, get your husband a $25 certificate for Sky Box for just $15.
So after the discount, you would pay $13.50 for a $25 certificate! What husband wouldn’t love to go out to the sports grille!?!

Or for the family, they have $23.37 certificate to Seven Peaks (a daily entrance price) for just $15! There’s no limit on how many you can buy at this price. So go enjoy a fun day with the family for a discounted price!
So after the discount, you would pay $13.50 for a $23.37 certificate!

Go here to check out the deals they have right now!

~Get your thrift on!

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