This one’s FUNNY!

I laughed SO HARD when I saw this FREEbie! I just had to put it up ASAP!

Go here and create an account and they will send you FREE thumb socks! Yes, thumb socks. What are they? This is what their website says:

Thumb socks aren’t just cool SWAG- they actually keep people from texting while driving. Need tips on how you can use your thumb socks to fight texting & driving? Check these out:

•Keep a pair in your glove compartment so you’re always ready for safe driving
•Spread the word- give thumb socks to your friends and people at your school
•Update your Facebook profile with a pic of you wearing your thumb socks!
You’ll get 3 pairs when you order (after all, sharing is caring). So what are you waiting for-
Click here to order thumb socks now!

These should arrive in about 6 weeks. When I get mine, I’ll post a picture of me wearing them. Everyone else should do the same!
PS, I totally support NOT texting while driving. I have been in a car accident myself because the other driver was texting and not paying attention. I ended up with extremely back whiplash, and was in physical therapy for months because of it. Please pay attention while driving, and don’t put your life, as well as others, at risk!

~Get your thrift on!

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