Archives for April 2011

Airport STUCK

We were so on top of things this morning! We got to the airport with just over an hour before our flight (10:30am) and there was no line to check in or to go thru security!! My MIL and FIL even got passes to come thru security with me and help with luggage and The […]


Wow, this couldn’t wait until after my vacation to share. I have officially fallen head over heals IN LOVE. Nope, not with a person, with a table and chairs. It was just a week ago that I told Sean our table “had to go, or had to change ASAP”. Living in a rental, we can not […]


Photo Credit   Tomorrow The Little Man and I are going to visit my MIL in Washington.   I am SO NERVOUS because Little Man has never been on a plane before, and he is the dictionary defenition of a busy body. If you have ever met him, you know that he is GO GO GO GO GO GO GO, […]

Yummy Egg Rolls

Ever get one of those random Prego Cravings?! The ones where you literally think “WHAT? Where did that come from?” Today I woke up wanting Egg Rolls…I haven’t had an egg roll in years. I have no idea where the craving came from. But I was determined to have one today! I interrupt this Egg […]